Let there be pictures! Part Two
Welcome back for those who have had the patience to read "Part One". In Part Two I'll be explaining the infantry squads from Platoon 9 and also the heavy weapons teams. Unfortunately, the armour will not be included in this part but will be in Part Three, which if this morning is anything to go by, will be on here some time later today - but don't quote me on that.I also had a go at repositioning the hand on the Sergeant to make it look a bit more like he was trying to kill someone or something. I have also robbed some items from the heavy weapons sprues such as the Sergeant pointing arm and head. This was also the first squad I tested my new Citadel washes on - and I'm pleasantly surprised. I've now decided to use this wash over all of the uniforms and also the flesh wash over the skin. I will soon be messing about with trying different skin tones - I doubt that all Cadians are this pasty. The problem before this experiment was I didn't see much point in shading and highlighting a load of troops when they are going to die pretty quickly. I went for a quick easy paint scheme so I could just get them battle ready.
I have a plan on what I'm painting next so I should have the completed Regimental Command Squad done soon, closely followed by the Platoon Command Squads as the army feels disjointed without them.
The team on the left is very near to being finished. Basically I need to add some detail to the base such as backpacks, ammunition etc. When I started doing these teams I spent absolutely ages painting all of the spare mortar ammo so it can be placed around the emplacement. The middle team is clearly missing another crew member, but I would say its at the same stage of completion as the first team. The mortar in the barrel was just glued carefully in place so as to look like its firing. And the team on the right has only got the mortar stuck down so needs loads of work.
And finally my heavy bolter teams. These teams are once again so close to completion. They merely require some extra detail on the bases. With all my heavy weapons teams I've tried to make them obviously different to each other and I think that so far I've managed to do well at that.
So that concludes Part Two. Part Three will involve the majority of my armoured units so stay tuned.
Brilliant! These guys are really coming along. I absolutely love the last heavy bolter loader rolling out to snap off a shot!
Nice one!
- Drax
I got the inspiration from a White Dwarf when the plastic Cadians first came out.
I just counted that I've got another 43 plastic infantry to do - fun fun.
Thanks for the comment Drax.
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