Friday, 21 August 2015

164 - Empire Army For Sale

The time has come to sell off one of my armies. And the sword has fallen on The Empire.

I haven't touched this army for years. It's gathering dust by the day and taking up valuable shelf space so it's time for it to go.

Please see below for pictures and a list of what's for sale.

Kurt Helborg (metal) - part built

Luthor Huss (mounted) (metal) - built

General - new on sprue (some pieces missing)

Standard Bearer - on sprue, undercoated

Limited Edition Bright Wizard (metal) - unpainted

3 x Great Cannons - built (cannons removable for painting), undercoated

3 man crew - built, undercoated

Hellblaster Volley Gun with crew - built

Spares for Cannons and Hellblaster including remaining crew

5 x Knights - part built, part painted, spare pieces on sprue

8 x Knights - new on sprue

11 x Handgunners - snap together, built, paint stripped

32 x Handgunners - part built, some undercoated, some stripped, spare pieces loose and on sprue (including all crossbows)

28 x Swordsmen - part built, some undercoated, some stripped, spare pieces loose and on sprue (including halberds), some older pieces as well

There are lots of random spares (heads, arms etc) that I've tried to take pictures of. I've also got bases somewhere that I'll chuck in, along with 2 old style movement trays. There are also the original instructions if people need them.

I am after £175 for this lot, plus postage costs if necessary and I'm located in Stoke-on-Trent, UK. Drop me an email if interested:

Thanks for reading.


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